by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Did you know that every year almost one-third of the population of each country travels for Christmas? And this means that almost one-third of the population of each country expects guests during this time of the year. So, let’s see how we can help you prepare...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice, Recipes
If you prefer wearing silver earrings than gold ones this is your choice. Actually, it does not matter what type of earrings you like wearing, because in all of the cases you should learn how to keep them clean and shiny. So, if this is the reason why you are reading...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice, Recipes
The special night of Thanksgiving is over, now is the time for the special cleaning. Follow this simple rules and learn what to do when cleaning after a party. There is no need to give up hosting parties, just because at the end, it is you who have to deal with the...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Nowadays we do our best to avoid using harmful chemicals and more and more people start looking for a decision in the books with the green cleaning recipes. There are several useful products you can find in your house and apply for the house cleaning process. One of...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Often, people don’t know how a certain stain has appeared on their outfit. However, when it comes to stain removal it is not important to know how the stain has happened but how to fix the problem. An ink stain on jeans is not hard to remove and certainly is not...