by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Stains are a common disaster. Carpet cleaning is mostly dealing with spots and dust. So let’s learn how to make your carpet cleaning using non-toxic materials. Green cleaning is gaining more ground. It is not only that it is environmentally-friendly. It costs...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
People that live in rented places are obligated by contract to perform at the end of tenancy thorough clean-up of the whole place. The contract states that at the end of tenancy clean and tidy place has to be presented in front of the landlord. This is one of...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
People who are living in rented homes often have to perform at the end of the lease period one really good clean-up. They have to choose between professional end of tenancy cleaning or they have to clean on their own. But before that time to come there are...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
A lot of tenants are starting to feel nervous when the time to move out occurs and they have to get the place in tidy condition-just like it was when they moved in once. It’s very important to present at the end of tenancy clean place, in order to fulfill...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Many times in life people have to deal with problems. Small ones, big ones it doesn’t matter, you have to overcome the problems at some point and find a solution. Now these are strong words, but they work for everything if you think about it. Having to pay rent...
by Katy Scott | Cleaning Advice
Latest researches are showing that according to the statistic vinegar is one of the most powerful natural; cleaners together with lemon and baking soda. While lemon and baking sod are not applicable for cleaning of all the surfaces and materials vinegar is, which is...