Mould and mildew are caused by tiny fungi growing on damp surfaces. They are a common occurrence in the bathroom and on walls. Do you really like their presence in your home? Here is list of green cleaning recipes that will help you make a safe but powerful mould remover.
In the daily battle against grime d, we tend to forget to pay attention to most dangerous enemy. Mould can cause year-long breathing implications and is among the leading causes of asthma. Therefore, you should exterminate it, when it is in early development. Professional cleaning services recommend attending to wet walls immediately with these natural solution.
All-natural mould remover
This substance is as powerful as commercial cleaning products, but it is quite cheaper and safe.
Spot mould and mildew. Wear protective mask to prevent inhaling fungi. Get an empty spray bottle and fill it with two cups warm water and add 2 tea spoons tea tree oil. Shake well. Spray thoroughly and do not rinse or wipe it away.
Concentrated vinegar or lemon juice is another way to kill these little fellows. Salt and vinegar are what they fear the most. Make a solution by mixing salt and vinegar in a spray bottle and apply repeatedly. The mixture is to be thrown away after use.
Another effective solution from professional cleaning services is to keep problem areas well ventilated and if possible exposed to direct sunlight. Then, after the treatment listed above, fungi will hardly grow.
Finally, remember that you do it for your own good. Safe and clean home will certainly improve your lifestyle.