Cleaning Company LondonHave you ever wondered why you can’t clean successfully your aluminium pots and pans? No matter the commercial cleaner that you use the result is still the same. An unpleasant and cloudy look of your aluminium cookware. Well, maybe the problem is more delicate than you think. Here, in this article, I can show you how to clean and maintain successfully your cookware.

There is nothing hard, when it comes to this type of cleaning, however you should know the right way to do the job and, fortunately, a cleaning company in London provided this useful cleaning technique. First of all, you have to remove the stains inside the cookware. For this purpose, add 2 to 3 tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar and ¼ water in the cookware. Stir the solution for a few minutes and the boil the mixture. 10 to 15 minutes are enough. You have to rinse afterwards with some warm water.

No, you are not ready, this was only an initial pre-treatment. To achieve a good and satisfying cleaning results, make sure that you rub every stain of the aluminium pan or pot with a soapy scouring pad, and then rinse. You should just polish the aluminium cookware afterwards and let it dry. To do so take a soapy steel wool and rub very gently and carefully the area. If you do everything right, you can enjoy your nicely cleaned and maintained aluminium cookware, like it is done by a real professional of a cleaning company in London. You can also contact the pros for any additional tip or advice.