Organization. This is maybe the most important one. You will achieve much more in less time if you can organize your tasks and stuff. For example, organize your cleaning products in a handy size basket so you can carry them around with you easily.
Routine. As you clean houses you will get to know the layout of each house, so set a cleaning routine that will help you finish the job quickly and easily. You can make your own plan and follow the steps in it. In this way you will be able to finish the job in less time as well as your clients will be happy.
From top to bottom. Always start to clean from higher places, such as benches, shelves, cupboards etc. Leave the floors and carpeting to the last. Otherwise you will need to clean the floor twice.
Complete job. Never leave a house unclean as this will not impress the house owner. No one will call you back if you can’t get your job done in time. Just make a schedule and stick to it in order to finish the job on time. This also refers to the rooms in the house. Always complete the cleaning of one room before continuing with the other.
Multi-purpose cleaners. There is a variety of such products offered on the market. They will save you time and money, but be careful, because some clients may prefer a specific cleaning product.
Be environmental. Use natural and eco-friendly cleaning solutions when you can.
Cleaner clothes. Have appropriate clothing on you as wearing your good clothes will decrease the effect of your work – you will miss some places just because you don’t want your clothes to get dirty. Having a uniform, which you can put your logo on, will help you feel more comfortable and work more effectively.
Be the best. If you want to keep your customers calling back as well as their references you should do a good job. That is why always perform your best. The good customer service is always important as you are running your own business. In order to keep your performance the best don’t take more work than you can handle with. If the demand is very high then you can consider hiring a staff member and grow your business.
A house cleaning business definitely is a business with profit and future. Cleaning services will be always on demand as the days of many women become busier. Local cleaners provide perfect customer service on good prices as well as trained Islington cleaners that are able to perform a variety of services from house cleaning to carpet cleaning.