Landlords could be extremely strict with the inspection of their property. They will expect from you to leave the place the way it was when you moved in for first time. Regardless of the great efforts you have put in cleaning, the landlord probably might still be unsatisfied. However, this could be avoided with hiring an end of tenancy cleaning company. They would clean the property as thorough that the landlord would have no reason of being unsatisfied.
Leave the end of tenancy cleaning to professionals and take care of the other moving tasks such as packing your belongings, finding a moving company and etc. After all the end of tenancy cleaning is not a ordinarily cleaning that can be done in short time. You have to clean every bit of the property and leave it perfectly clean. This costs money as you have to buy all the cleaning products in order to clean every corner of the house. Performing end of tenancy cleaning on your own could be expensive and still there is no guarantee that the landlord would be satisfied with the cleanliness of the property. Holborn cleaners will charge you only for the end of tenancy services and will ensure that the house is sparkling clean.